Monday, April 11, 2016

Post 12: Podcast

I chose this podcast because I'm making a tiny series of people whose funerals/celebrations of life I've attended and this podcast is an interview with a woman whose husband had passed. I thought it was interesting because while her husband is in a coma, she discovers he's had an affair and blown through much of their money. He passes away without ever getting to confront him or talk to him. I think many people believe it is inappropriate to speak ill of the dead, and that when mourning someones death, people always discuss the happy times and admirable qualities they had. It was interesting to hear about someone who had to go through mourning while also dealing with the betrayal. Death must be so much more complex and difficult to deal with when you have so many questions unanswered.

Post 12: New Work

Post 12: Inspiration

1 Naked Group Collaborative Painting 

On Saturday I brought this large sheet thing that I was fortunate enough to come across to Sunny Sands during the 8th Annual Florida Young Naturists Naked Spring Bash. I go to many of the bashes and bring supplies to create art with anyone who would like too, but this was the first time I got to do something large scale. I left it up from Saturday at noon until Sunday morning around 10 am. It was really interesting to see how it evolved. 

2 Grace Passerotti

3 Angelique Price 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Post 11: Inspiration

1 Alphonse
I love the circular aura design around the figures and the cohesive design that carries through each portrait. A circle, a color, a flower, a woman. 
2 Rittstein
I like the idea of diptychs and triptychs but when I see them I wonder if the painting would be just as effective in one piece. This piece interested me and makes me want to separate the top piece and bottom piece an inch or two. 
3 Pauli
I was attracted to this painting because of the beautiful light that filtered through he trees on the white table cloth and the shiny silver teapot. Usually I don't like still life style paintings but this one is amazing. I like that there's a figure, but the figure isn't the focus which is uncommon.

Post 11: New Work

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Post 10: Podcast
After My Brother Avonte Disappeared

This was the next story on this particular podcast list which is why I chose it. I also enjoy shows like Law&Order on occasion, and this had that kind of feel. Even though it was a terrible story about Avonte's disappearance and death, the story about his brothers life was really heart warming. It reminded me of the incredibly popular radio talk show host, Delilah. I used to listen to her talk show religiously with my mom and little sister every night on our way home from my moms restaurant.

I liked that the story about his disappearance inspired change in the school system to keep more children with disabilities safe. It was also inspiring that his brother was moved to go to law school to help make this kind of change happen.

Post 10: Inspiration

1 Tanaka Yasushi - Nude

I've been wanting to do a natural hairy female nude and I found this one and thought it was beautiful.

2 Agostino Brunias - Leeward Islands Carib Family Outside a Hut
After spending a couple days with my family over spring break, and talking to you(Laura) about doing a series of my siblings, I looked  up oil painting portraits of families and this one stood out to me. Mostly because traditional family portraits on google archive are rich, white families in a lot of fluffy garb, and this family isn't white, over dressed and is posed more naturally. 

3 Bernardo Cavallino - The Nursing Madonna

Both my older sisters are currently nursing there first borns so I was also was interested in paintings featuring mother and baby nursing. The social media uproar about nursing also made me curious to see if nursing was something suitable for a portrait back in the day. There wasn't many paintings on google archive, but I thought this one was the most beautiful. I think its the sharp lighting that appeals to me.